Tabea Hässler and Léïla Eisner offer Talks and Workshops for institutions, corporations, universities, and equality/diversity/inclusion offices in Switzerland. Also, the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel organizes events like panel discussions.
Contact us if you would like to invite us to your institution.
Here is a list of events the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel (was) invited to:





  • University of Geneva: Unmasking the effects of inequality: How are people affected and when will they rise to address the divide? Talk.
  • BD Company, Nyon, Switzerland: LGBTIQ+ allyship in work and family contexts in Switzerland and beyond. Talk.
  • Meeting of the German Psychological Association, Vienna, Austria: Breaking barriers & fostering equity in academia: Challenges and recommendations. Talk.
  • University of Basel: The LGBTIQ+ Situation in Switzerland – Recommendations for best practices at institutional and individual levels. Talk.
  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HETSL | HES-SO): Élargir la discussion sur le harcèlement sexuel pour inclure les personnes souvent oubliées [Enlargen the discussion about sexual harassment to inlude the people often forgotten]. Talk.
  • InterAlliance: “Celebrating Diversity: Gender Inclusivity in LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Groups”. Panel Discussion.
  • University of Lausanne: How are people affected by inequalities and when do they tackle them? Talk.
  • University of Oxford, U.K: Unmasking the effects of inequality: How are people affected and when will they rise to address the divide? Talk.
  • University of Sussex, U.K: Not a panacea – The possibilities and limitations of intergroup contact in promoting social harmony and social justice?
  • University of Exeter, U.K: Unmasking the effects of inequality: LGBTIQ+ people at the workplace. Talk.
  • University of Kent, U.K.: Unmasking the effects of inequality: How are people affected and when will they rise to address the divide? Talk.
  • University of California, San Francisco, U.S.: Unmasking the effects of LGBTIQ+ inequality: Insight of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.


  • University of Hawai’i Mānoa, U.S.: Unmasking the effects of LGBTIQ+ inequality: Insight of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.
  • University of Queensland, Australia: How are people affected by inequalities and when do they tackle them? Talk.
  • Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Australia: The future of LGBTIQ+ Research. Invited discussion held at the Gender and Sexuality Preconference.
  • LGBTIQ+ Conference: LGBTIQ+ in Switzerland – Insights from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.
  • University of Basel (Faculty of Psychology): LGBTIQ+ People in Switzerland – Where are we heading to? Talk.
  • University of Basel (Equality Office): LGBTIQ+ in Swiss Universities – Insights from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.
  • Eidgenössiches Büro für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann: The situation of LGBTIQ+ people in Switzerland – Insights from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.
  • Sarigai Fribourg, Conférence et table ronde à l’Ancienne Gare :  The situation of LGBTIQ+ in Switzerland. Round table discussion.
  • MSD: The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel: Data on discrimination against lesbians in Switzerland. Talk.
  • ETH Zurich, Sexual harassment awareness day: The true costs of sexual harassment. Talk.
  • HETS: Intersectionnalité dans le contexte LGBTIQ+ : Discrimination, identification et bien-être [Discrimination in the LGBTIQ+ context: Discrimination, identification, and well-being. Talk.



  • University of Lausanne: Poster at an exhibition: Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Understanding the impact of political and social change on individuals.
  • Swiss universities’ equality offices conference: Workshop on diversity and LGBTIQ+ inclusion for Swiss universities
  • Swiss Army: Consultation on diversity and inclusive language.
  • GLL Association (school project): Overview of the research of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Talk.
  • City of Lausanne (Department of Security and Economy): Ad hoc Consultation on LGBTIQ+ inclusion and hate crimes
  • Microsoft: The situation of the LGBTIQ+ Individuals in Switzerland. Webinar.
  • MSD: The situation of the LGBTIQ+ Individuals in Switzerland: The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Webinar.
  • Art Museum in Langenthal: Art (video) show “Liberty, Love, and Loneliness” (Philip Ortelli) for the Kiefer Hablitzel/Göhner Art Prize (Switzerland, March-June 2021). Interview and participation.
  • Association Dialogai: Overview of the research of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel“. Online presentation and round table with politicians and officials.
  • Queer Officer Association: The situation of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Switzerland: The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Online Presentation.
  • QueerAltern Association [Queer elderly]: The situation of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Switzerland: The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. Online Presentation.


  • University of Lausanne (Diversity office): Ad hoc Consultation on LGBTIQ+ inclusion at the University.
  • Johnson & Johnson: “The situation of LGBTIQ+ individuals: The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel”. Webinar.