The Basics

What is the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel is led by Dr. Léïla Eisner (University of Lausanne) and Dr. Tabea Hässler (University of Zurich). It is a longitudinal study assessing the situation of LGBTIQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer) individuals in Switzerland in an annual manner. The goal of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel is to extend our understanding of how LGBTIQ+ individuals feel integrated into the Swiss society and how the situation is changing over time. Following people over time is important because we currently know very little about how peoples’ opinions and levels of satisfaction with their lives may change gradually over time or change rapidly in response to current events in society (extension of the anti-discrimination law, potential legalization of same-sex marriage). We believe that the insights of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel have high practical relevance for LGBTIQ+ and cis-heterosexual individuals, people in the educational context, LGBTIQ+ and other non-profit organizations, practitioners, and policymakers aiming to promote the health and integration of LGBTIQ+ individuals.

What is the aim of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

LGBTIQ+ individuals all around the world still face prejudice, discrimination, and structural inequalities. So too in Switzerland, where a large majority of LGBTIQ+ individuals report an alarming rate of discrimination and rejection. In addition, LGBTIQ+ people in Switzerland face many legal inequalities. The situation is, however, rapidly changing. Due to these rapid changes, we initiated the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel which aims to assess and communicate about how LGBTIQ+ individuals’ health and feelings of inclusion in Switzerland are changing over time. The survey covers emerging topics in the Swiss context (e.g., legalization of same-sex marriage), personal experiences of LGBTIQ+ individuals (e.g., support, discrimination, coming out, experiences in the school context) as well as action to change the situation in Switzerland. We believe that these insights have high practical relevance.


Can I join the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

Yes, you can find our fourth annual survey here. Send us an email if you are interested in participating in the next survey.

Who can participate?

LGBTIQ+ individuals and cisgender heterosexual individuals living in Switzerland can participate in the survey.

Lots of people already participated in the study. Why should I take part?

By participating in this survey, you will be contributing to an ongoing research project that spans all of Switzerland. To be able to represent everyone reliably, we need as diverse and broad a range of participants as possible. Every single person in the study is incredibly important to us, as every single response can help to increase the reliability and accuracy of our conclusions. As a thank you, all participants will go into a draw for a voucher to the value of 300 CHF and two vouchers worth 100 CHF.

I already participated last year, why should I participate again this year?

Please answer the questionnaire even if you think that your opinions are the same as last year or if you haven’t previously participated. This is very important, as we will not know which of your opinions have changed and which remain the same unless you also answer the questions this year too. We further try to reach individuals who have not been reached in the previous year. Please note that your responses are vital for keeping the project going and that your responses to this questionnaire will still provide extremely valuable information even if you might not be available to participate in the following years. Most people can complete the questionnaire in about 20-30 minutes. Some of the questions are of a sensitive nature and you are free to leave blank any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering.


Why do you have different versions of the questionnaire?

To account for the specific challenges (e.g., legal situation, discrimination) that different subgroups of the LGBTIQ+ community face, we designed different versions of a web questionnaire that were tailored to sexual minorities (i.e., individuals with a minority sexual orientation such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual people) and gender minorities (e.g., individuals identifying as trans or intersex). Because sexual orientation and gender identity are distinct, people can be members of both sexual and gender minorities. In order to keep the survey duration uniform, we have assigned people to one version of questionnaire. However, there was an option to fill in the version for both sexual and gender minorities. Finally, interested cis-heterosexual individuals were also invited to participate in the survey.

In what languages is the questionnaire available?

The questionnaire is available in English, German, French, and Italian.

Why do I feel like some questions are repetitive?

In statistics, you use multiple questions related to one topic to measure the underlying attitude. Ideally the questions should not be too repetitive. We are still working on improving our questionnaire and your contribution will help us refine this.

Can I suggest a question for the next year’s survey?

When participating in the survey, you can suggest issues that we should cover in the next year’s survey. We also try to include some of these suggestions in our questionnaires.

Funding, Ethics, Team, Privacy

How is the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel funded?

Dr. Léïla Eisner and Dr. Tabea Hässler launched the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel partly by volunteer work. In the past, the panel received a small fundings through an AGORA grant (CRARP1_198594) by the Swiss National Science Foundation. We are searching for ways to maintain the panel in a more sustainable way.

Who is behind the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

Dr. Léïla Eisner (University of Lausanne) and Dr. Tabea Hässler (University of Zurich) curated the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel. You can read more about our team.

What are the ethical approval details of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel is reviewed every three years by the University of Zurich Ethics Committee. Reference Number: 19.12.2.

How do you protect my personal details and contact information?

We take our participants’ confidentiality very seriously. All information you provide will remain confidential and will not be associated with your name. Your questionnaire data is therefore anonymized. All email addresses are stored separately from questionnaire data. Participants’ contact details are used solely for the purposes of contacting them to continue their participation in Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel and to provide them with information and feedback about research findings from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel.

Where can I read more about recent findings of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel?

You can read more about recent findings. The Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel also has a Facebook, an Instagram and a Twitter account which we regularly update with news about the study, summaries, and videos. We will also publish our findings in scientific journals.

Do you have more unanswered questions?
Feel free to contact us: