2023 Summary Report: Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel

The Summary Report is also available in English, German, French, and Italian.

Download the 2023 report as a PDF in English, German, French, or Italian by clicking on the images.

LGBTIQ+ Youth in Switzerland. Overview Of Organizations, Key Actors, Policies, And Projects

The LGBTI Youth Fund Report is also available in English, German, French, and Italian.

Annual Summary Reports


Cover of the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel Report 2022. Edited by Dr. Léïla Eisner and Dr. Tabea Hässler.
Cover des Abschlussberichtes des Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel 2022. Herausgegeben von Dr. Léïla Eisner und Dr. Tabea Hässler.
Couverture du rapport de synthèse du Panel suisse LGBTIQ+ 2022, édité par le Dr Léïla Eisner et le Dr Tabea Hässler.
Rapporto di sintesi 2022. Panel Svizzero LGBTIQ+

Download the 2022 report as a PDF in English, German, French or Italian by clicking on the images.


Download the 2021 report as a PDF in English, German, French or Italian by clicking on the images.