Self-objectification endorsement among sexual minorities and its association with appearance anxiety, well-being, and substance use

Kahalon, R., Hässler, T., & Eisner, L. (2024). Self-objectification endorsement among sexual minorities and its association with appearance anxiety, well-being, and substance use. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000701


Political Polarisation on Gender Equality: The Case of the Swiss Women’s Strike on Twitter

Reveilhac, M. & Eisner, L. (2022). Political Polarisation on Gender Equality: The Case of the Swiss Women’s Strike on Twitter. Statistics, Politics and Policy, 13(3), 255-278. https://doi.org/10.1515/spp-2022-0003

Not Straight Enough, nor Queer Enough: Identity Denial, Stigmatization, and Negative Affect Among Bisexual and Pansexual People

Thöni, C., Eisner, L., & Hässler, T. (2022, August 8). Not straight enough, nor queer
enough: Identity denial, stigmatization, and negative affect among bisexual and pansexual
people. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SXKBN

The consistency of gender identity across time: An exploration among transgender and cisgender children

Hässler, T., Glazier, J., & Olson, K. (2022, June 8). The consistency of gender identity across time: An exploration among transgender and cisgender children. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001419


Perceptions of intolerant norms both facilitate and inhibit collective action among sexual minorities

Eisner, L., Settersten, R., Turner-Zwinkels, F., & Hässler, T. (in press). Perceptions of intolerant norms both facilitate and inhibit collective action among sexual minorities. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. https://doi.org/10.1177/13684302211024335

Social support and internalizing psychopathology in transgender youth

A screenshot of the first page of a scientific journal. The paper is about Social Support and Internalizing Psychopathology in Transgender Youth.

Durwood, L., Eisner, L., Fladeboe, K., Ji, C., Barney, S., McLaughlin, K., & Olson, K. (2021). Social support and internalizing psychopathology in transgender youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-020-01391-y

Need satisfaction and intergroup contact: A multi-national study of pathways toward social change.

Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Sebben, S., Shnabel, N., Bernadino, M., Valdenegro, D., Van Laar, C., González, R., Visintin, E. P., Tropp, L. R., Ditlmann, R. K., Abrams, D., Aydin, A. L., Pereira, A., Selvanathan, H. P., von Zimmermann, J., Lantos, N. A., Sainz, M., Glenz, A., Kende, A., Oberpflazerová, H., Bilewicz, M., Branković, M., Noor, M., Pasek, M., Wright, S., Žeželj, I., Kuzawinska, O., Maloku, E., Otten, S., Gul, P., Bareket, O., Biruski, D. C., Ugarte, L. M., Osin, E., Baiocco, R., Cook, J. E., Dawood, M., Droogendyk, L., Herrera Loyo, A., Jelic, M., Kelmendi, K., & Pistella, J. (in press). Need satisfation and intergroup contact: A multi-national study of pathways toward social change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000365


Intergroup contact and social change: An integrated contact-collective action model.

Screenshot of the first page of the intergroup contact and social change paper.

Hässler, T., Uluğ, Ö. M., Kappmeier, M., & Travaglino , G. A. (in press). Intergroup contact and social change: An integrated contact-collective action model. Journal of Social Issues – Special Issue on Intergroup Contact. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12412

The impact of laws on norms perceptions

Screenshot of the first page of the impact of laws on norms and perceptions.

Eisner, L., Turner-Zwinkels, F., & Spini, D. (2020). The impact of laws on norms perceptions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167220959176

A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change

Screenshot of the first page of the paper on large scale test on the link between intergroup contact and support for social change.

Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Bernadino, M., Shnabel, N., Van Laar, C., Valdenegro, D., Sebben, S., Tropp, L. R., Visintin, E. P., González, R., Ditlmann, R. K., Abrams, D., Selvanathan, H. P., Branković, M., Wright, S., von Zimmermann, J., Pasek, M., Aydin, A. L., Žeželj, I., Pereira, A., Lantos, N. A., Sainz, M., Glenz, A., Oberpflazerová, H., Bilewicz, M., Kende, A., Kuzawinska, O., Otten, S., Maloku, E., Noor, M., Gul, P., Pistella, J., Baiocco, R., Jelic, M., Osin, E., Bareket, O., Biruski, D. C., Cook, J. E., Dawood, M., Droogendyk, L., Herrera Loyo, A., Kelmendi, K., & Ugarte, L. M. (2020). A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 380–386. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0815-z


A contingent perspective on pluralistic ignorance: When the attitude object matters.

Screenshot of the first page of the paper on a contingent perspective on pluralistic ignorance: when the attitudinal object matters

Eisner, L., Spini, D., & Sommet, N., (2019). A contingent perspective on pluralistic ignorance: When the attitude object matters. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpor/edz004   

Individual differences in system justification predict power and morality-related needs in advantaged and disadvantaged groups in response to group disparity.

Screenshot of the first page of the paper on "Individual differences in system justification predict power and morality-related needs in advantaged and disavanteged groups in response to group disparity".

Hässler, T., Shnabel, N., Ullrich, J., Arditti-Vogel, A., & SimanTov-Nachlieli, I. (2019). Individual differences in system justification predict power and morality-related needs in advantaged and disadvantaged groups in response to group disparity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22, 746–766. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430218773403


Eisner, L., PhD Thesis (2020), University of Lausanne, Department of Social Sciences, Switzerland

  • Thesis Title: Social Change and Perceived Societal Norms: An Application to Sexual Minorities in Switzerland
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dario Spini

Hässler, T. PhD Thesis (2019), University of Zurich, Department of Psychology, Switzerland

  • Thesis Title: Cooperation Between Advantaged and Disadvantaged Groups Toward Social Change
  • Supervisors: Prof. Johannes Ullrich, Prof. Klaus Jonas